What is Sufism? Who is a Sufi?
A Sufi is a Sufi.' The term 'Sufism' or 'Sufi' is a vast topic. It is thus important to give some definition to our usage of it. A Sufi is a seeker of Truth. A Sufi is a lover of Life. A Sufi is in search of the Source of Life which we call Allah/God/The Great Encompassment. The term Sufi or Tasawwuf is endeared to the mystics of Islam. It also refers to the mystics who predated the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It refers to the inner path, or the spiritual aspect of Religion. Every Religion has a mystical element to it. The Science of the soul. The term Sufi is used by us, in respect, of Islam's way of including and incorporating ALL prophets. Our use of the term Sufi is the poetic and spiritual sensibility that there is no reality but THE Reality. All Holy beings belong to the One Unity of Life that cannot be named or conceived but we call Allah/God/The Great Encompassment. From this definition it is understood that Buddha was a Sufi, Jesus was a Sufi, Padmasambhava was a Sufi. We also embrace the origins of the term Sufi in the mystical teachings of Islam.
Please read the following document for an expanded explanation of Sufism: Sufism expanded pdf.